Stand up Straight…

Posture.  There is a lot to be said for good posture.  I see a lot of trends over the years with people’s posture.  For years it was one shoulder higher than the other, because that is the shoulder they held the phone on!  Now, when I tell clients to sit up straight, they usually all lean back just a little in their chairs, because that is how they are used to sitting at their computers!  So when I get them straight, they feel a little odd for a few seconds!  Posture can do very good things for the final portrait.  It lengthens the body and puts all the “parts” where they should be!  Good posture gives an impression of alertness and assertiveness in a client as well.  So, I am always saying sit up straight or tall and encouraging clients to look their best.  Ok, so now that is all said and done, there is the case for a slight easiness among clients to establish relationships.  Take a look at these two mother and daughter portraits.  Just a slight lean of the daughter in the second one creates the finishing touch on the portrait.  She relaxes into her mom and the closeness that you can feel in that one is much more real and less posed.  So, exceptions to every rule.  As a photographer, I feel it is my job to watch for these things and correct them ever so slightly to get the emotional content that you desire to have in a portrait.     I do so love my job and all the family relationships that I get to witness every week.

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