Cherub Babies…(Palm Harbor Baby Photographer)

The sweetest little twin baby girls came in to see me and I just thought they looked like little cherubs…so we created this lovely portrait for mom and dad.  Just couldn’t wait to share this! Twin baby girl photographs

Valentine Baby Portraits…{Palm Harbor Baby Photographer}

Little Ziana came in last week and at 3 weeks old, was the perfect little model.  Mom, Grandmom and a friend came in to help and watch and it really does take a village to dress a three week old!  🙂 We got incredible photos of this sweet little infant girl and these are just three of my favorites. infant_photos_KathleenHallPhotography

I just got invited to Disney…by a 3 year old client!…{Palm Harbor Child Photographer}

Well, I do have fun with my clients!  Little “A” with her twin brother “C” had a portrait photography session at their home and you can see by the images, we had a  great time!  After their preview session, little “A” pipes up with  “Miss Kathleen, do you want to go to Disney with us?”  I am just tickled to be included in a family invite!  She had so much fun that she apparently did not want it to end.  As a child photographer, it is important to be a friend to the children and engage and be able to interact with them.  These candid images are so precious and tell a great story about our day.  Please give me a call if I can create family portraits like this for you. candid children photography black and white photography

Four angels in white…{Palm Harbor Family Photography}

Family Photos Greg and Veronica came in to have their family portraits created and chose to wear all white with a white background.  Mom and the girls just look so heavenly in all white!  Having portraits created with a theme or end result in mind makes a much greater statement and more impact.  Planning does take time, but what a great result.  If I can help you in the planning phase in any way, I have had over 20 years experience on what looks will work and what won’t.  Please give me a call with any questions you may have.

Tampa Bay Ballerina…{Tampa Photographer}

I recently had the privilege of photographing the lead ballerina in the Tampa Bay Ballet production of the Nutcracker.  She is such a beautiful child and we made some incredible images for the ballet posters and programs.  For mom, I created this art piece for her home that depicts all the stages of the ballet and puts it into a dreamlike sequence.  This new type of art piece would not work for every type of portraits that I do, but I really love it for the subject matter.

Ballerina Photography
Art created for Tampa Bay Ballet for the lead ballerina