Valentine Baby Portraits…{Palm Harbor Baby Photographer}

Little Ziana came in last week and at 3 weeks old, was the perfect little model.  Mom, Grandmom and a friend came in to help and watch and it really does take a village to dress a three week old!  🙂 We got incredible photos of this sweet little infant girl and these are just three of my favorites. infant_photos_KathleenHallPhotography

I just got invited to Disney…by a 3 year old client!…{Palm Harbor Child Photographer}

Well, I do have fun with my clients!  Little “A” with her twin brother “C” had a portrait photography session at their home and you can see by the images, we had a  great time!  After their preview session, little “A” pipes up with  “Miss Kathleen, do you want to go to Disney with us?”  I am just tickled to be included in a family invite!  She had so much fun that she apparently did not want it to end.  As a child photographer, it is important to be a friend to the children and engage and be able to interact with them.  These candid images are so precious and tell a great story about our day.  Please give me a call if I can create family portraits like this for you. candid children photography black and white photography

Four angels in white…{Palm Harbor Family Photography}

Family Photos Greg and Veronica came in to have their family portraits created and chose to wear all white with a white background.  Mom and the girls just look so heavenly in all white!  Having portraits created with a theme or end result in mind makes a much greater statement and more impact.  Planning does take time, but what a great result.  If I can help you in the planning phase in any way, I have had over 20 years experience on what looks will work and what won’t.  Please give me a call with any questions you may have.

Tampa Bay Ballerina…{Tampa Photographer}

I recently had the privilege of photographing the lead ballerina in the Tampa Bay Ballet production of the Nutcracker.  She is such a beautiful child and we made some incredible images for the ballet posters and programs.  For mom, I created this art piece for her home that depicts all the stages of the ballet and puts it into a dreamlike sequence.  This new type of art piece would not work for every type of portraits that I do, but I really love it for the subject matter.

Ballerina Photography
Art created for Tampa Bay Ballet for the lead ballerina

Expressive hands…

I just love what hands can say within a portrait.  If the hands are all by themselves, like the first image below, you can tell a full story of the 4 generations represented here of all these wonderful women and women to be…Grandma, Mom, daughters, granddaughter and great-grand daughter.  Then you have all seen the ring photographs of the bride and groom where it tells the story of their new life beginning together and what the rings symbolize.  There are other types of images, like the full image of a group where the family members are all touching each other in a very loving, relaxed way.  And the daddy holding his newborn son, the size of the dad’s hands so protective and just a peek of the newborn’s tiny hands   One of my new favorites is of this image below of a young girl.  The pose, the touch of makeup and the expression all speak of a budding teenager, but not quite.  The soft child like hands tell that this young woman has a little while to go before she truly enters the next stage of her life.  Some of my favorite images.


Baby portrait Hands of a 3 generation portrait Portrait of a family portrait of a teenager