Open House…finally!

Do you know how hard it is to get images from everyone at an event?  I don’t know what bride’s do that don’t have an official photographer!!  The pics below are mostly from family and friends.  The open house was a wonderful day and thanks so much to everyone who came out.  It was great to see old friends and clients that came to celebrate with me and to see the new space.  I got flowers, flowers and more flowers!  Some from right here, some from as far away as Ohio.  I really do love flowers!  I come from a florist background, with my Dad running a commercial greenhouse back in the Cleveland area.  So I grew up with them and am still not tired of them.  Hope I never will be!  The food was terrific, thanks to my good friend Rebecca and Pamela.  The big thing, for those who attended and are waiting to find out, was the winner of the $500.00 Portrait Prize…drum roll please…  (you have to look below the pictures, hehehe!) Maylene Bird and her husband!  I think they are going to go ahead and get a fantastic couples portrait…we’ll see!