Fresh, Handsome faces…

“J” came in this afternoon and he was just a natural in front of the camera.  He was celebrating the (finally!) removal of his braces and his teeth were perfect!  We got killer images because he was so comfortable in the studio.  Take a look…  Enjoy your sneak peek and we will see you next week for the full preview session!

Class of 2010

Tom is graduating this year and came to me for High School Senior portraits.  Two years ago, his sister graduated and gave me the opportunity to create portraits for her as well.   Actually, Tom’s family has been coming to me for family portraits for many years.  We did his very classic double breasted suit first for the very formal look befitting a high school graduate.  Being in Florida, where everything is casual, there is not as much call for a formal suit, but Tom looked fabulous in it.  Then we went on to his wonderful black and white shirt with jeans.  Usually I try to stay away from patterns, but I veered from that today and the look was great and very unique.  Last, we went even more casual and went out to the garden and created a few portraits right there.  Tom could give me very different expressions and with the clothing changes, we were able to put together quite a variety for him.  Congrats to the graduating senior!